hi this is Surya, final year B.Sc student.
I'm from Hindupur(AndraPradesh). where I lived for most of my life benefiting from a warm and supporting family, and a town provided me with a sound education and opportunities for personal growth. Since my earliest school days I have been interested in the pursuit of knowledge and truth, a search which was inspired by my parents and enhanced by my teachers. This has stayed with me into adult life, and I now find myself realizing the importance and beauty of such ideas and principles. My aim therefore is to develop this approach to life and to share it with others through everything I do. In terms of work, this means motivating and encouraging others by my own positive example, doing my best in everything, and never being afraid to say
“I don’t know”. Rather, I hope to inspire a creative and positive way of dealing with the various problems that are a part of everyone’s lives.
Concepts of trust and responsibility have been central to my life and are, I hope, evident in everything that I take on, from my school-life in Hindupur, to activities such as"promoting online computer education", "building career relationships"etc,.. In all these things I have come to understand the importance of respecting others. Being a student with lot of dreams joined an organization where the people inspired me to achieve greatness in a very short period.This awareness has been heightened and has helped me further to develop myself and motivated to take active part in development of INDIA. Finally, my personal motto is something that I came across my life's journey. This phrase has stayed with me since then and sums up my approach to life:
“A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.”